Annual Mandatory Skyward Update
How to access and update Information:
Log into Skyward Family Access. (Your login is your first name, a period, and your last name, all lowercase. Example: susan.smith)
Note: Forgot your login or password? Simply hit “Forgot Login/Password?” and a link will be sent to your email currently on file.
Click on “REQUIRED ANNUAL STUDENT INFORMATION UPDATE” and follow the steps for each student enrolled.
To update your address, please visit your student’s school after Monday, August 19th to provide verification documentation, such as a city utility bill, lease agreement, mortgage statement, etc.
Completing the annual update confirms your student’s registration for the upcoming school year. Additionally, it ensures we have the most up-to-date ways to keep you informed about what’s happening in the Anacortes School District. Please call 360-503-1600 if you need assistance.
Transportation Registration
We have important updates about transportation routes and stop locations for the upcoming 24-25 school year. Please take a moment to check out the changes:
- All routes and stop locations have changed from prior years.
- Some stops have become larger community stops.
- Do not assume that because your student rode a bus last year, they will be on the same route this year.
Note: All students receiving special education transportation services have been routed and can expect transportation as communicated on the My K-12 app or by the transportation department.
If you have not completed a transportation request form in Skyward Family Access you must do that immediately so your student can be routed.
Log into Skyward Family Access.
Note: Forgot your login or password? Simply hit “Forgot Login/Password?” and a link will be sent to your email currently on file. If you are still having issues, please email and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Under other online forms for each of your students find the Transportation Request Form.
In the upper-right-hand corner of the Transportation Request Form, you will see an “Other ID” number that begins with 07. Write that number down, you will need it for the My Ride K-12 app to find your student (see screenshot) in the next step.
Note: If you need assistance locating your student’s Other ID number call (360) 503-1200.
Download the MY Ride K 12 app to access the most up-to-date route information. For more information or instructions on how to download the My Ride K-12 app go to:
Check your student’s route information to confirm their new bus stop and schedule. If you do not see your student’s route in the My Ride K-12 app by 5:00 pm today, you may need to transport your student to school.
Please inform your students of the change to their route and whether their route will service all three elementary schools, so they are aware.
If you find that there is no information available or if the information provided is incorrect, please do not hesitate to call our Transportation Department at (360) 503-1155 or email Rebecca Sitton at for assistance.
Thank you for your attention to these important updates. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work to arrange transportation services for all students.
2024-25 MEAL PRICES:
- EVERY Fidalgo student will receive FREE breakfast and lunch this year- click the Back to School Guide for more information! Even though all students will receive FREE MEALS this year, applications are still needed from families. Fidalgo must qualify each year by a percentage of F/R eligibility. Applications are needed by mid-September.
- Also, even though all meals are no cost, there is still a .60 cent charge for milk if sold separately.
We encourage families who may qualify for free & reduced meals to still submit an application. Even if your child does not eat school meals, you may also qualify for other financial incentives. Please complete an application, and return it to any school:
Fidalgo Back to School Supplies
Please click here for all the information you need to begin the new school year: Back to School Guide including links for transportation, tech, school supplies, and a handy 1-page student calendar.